The Influence of Self-control and Peer Conformity on the Consumptive Behavior of E-commerce User Students at the Faculty of Economics UNIMED


  • Frido Evindey Manihuruk Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Filja Azkiah Siregar Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Jonatan Marbun Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Nasrullah Hidayat Universitas Negeri Medan



Self-control, Peer conformity, Consumptive behavior, E-commerce


The consumptive behavior of e-commerce users among students has become a complex issue within the UNIMED economics faculty campus environment. Environmental influences such as peer pressure are believed to be one of the drivers behind individuals purchasing products on e-commerce platforms. Self-control in excessive consumption is a crucial factor in reducing uncontrolled consumptive behavior. This research aims to analyze the influence of self-control and peer conformity on the consumptive behavior of e-commerce users among students in the UNIMED economics faculty environment. This quantitative study utilizes primary data obtained from a population of 3,345, with 100 respondents as its sample. Data collection is conducted using questionnaires containing 15 items for each variable. The results of this study indicate that self-control has a non-significant negative influence on students' consumptive behavior. Meanwhile, peer conformity has a significant positive influence on students' consumptive behavior. These findings demonstrate that students in the UNIMED economics faculty lack self-control and prioritize peer decisions, resulting in increased consumptive behavior. This research is expected to highlight the importance of enhancing self-control and raising students' awareness of peer influence in consumption decisions


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How to Cite

Manihuruk, F. E., Siregar, F. A., Marbun, J., & Hidayat, N. (2024). The Influence of Self-control and Peer Conformity on the Consumptive Behavior of E-commerce User Students at the Faculty of Economics UNIMED. Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Sosial Dan Eksakta, 4(1), 13–21.



